ISI and NEPPA established Security Partnership…
In 2016, the Northeast Public Power Association (NEPPA) and Intelligence Security International (ISI) initiated a Security Partnership that began with David Cullen, President/CEO of ISI participating in their Western MA Education Forum; present to NEPPA’s Fall General Foreman’s Training Roundtable on Physical Security concerns and participate in NEPPA’s Annual Meeting in December.
ISI is excited to take this new partnership into 2017 with a commitment to support and present at NEPPA’s Spring Engineering and Operations Conference & Expo being held at the DCU Center in Worcester, MA on May 10th & 11th.
Steve Socoby, CUSP/Director of Training of NEPPA offered: “ISI adds an invaluable resource to NEPPA with regard to Physical Security concerns and our member’s ability to mitigate liabilities and potential problems. ISI’s Subject Matter Expertise is obvious and we look forward to their continued support of NEPPA”.
The Northeast Public Power Association (NEPPA) is the regional service organization representing the interests of roughly 80 not-for-profit state and local community-owned electric utilities that collectively provide electricity to approximately 2 million New Englanders.
The Intelligence Security International (ISI) Team provides expertise and analysis to help you improve your security posture, facilitate compliance, and improve operational efficiency. With deep experience in the consulting, investigations, and training areas, our security professionals identify risk and prepare you for favorable controls.