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A message from David Cullen, Founder/President

Happy Holidays!

2016 was a banner year for ISI as we were able to expand our Client base and enhance our service offering. In 2016, ISI traveled up and down the East Coast from Boston to New York, Philadelphia, and DC; to Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. We went to Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Washington. We provided Security Surveys and Risk Assessments, Security Program Reviews and Compliance and Audit Services. We wrote and managed RFP processes, served as Project Managers and Technology Consultants and helped our clients to save hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process.

We named a Vice President of Risk Management who is a Certified Business Continuity Professional (CBCP) to oversee our Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Services and we extended our service footprint with the addition of a 30+ year Security Icon, Vince DiPiero as our newest, Senior Vice President working out of the Philadelphia market (See attached press release). Finally, we provided Training on Security Awareness, Customer Service, Social Engineering Issues and Violence in the Workplace; and we became Certified Trainers in the Management of Aggressive Behavior.

Because of all of you, our Clients, 2016 was a great year and we stand energized and excited to move into 2017 together, to meet your on-going and ever evolving Security challenges. Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you and for you in the coming year.